Medieval Church Lego Moc

Using my childhood brick collection I wanted to build a church to put in my castle town.   Didn't have enough gray bricks, so decided to try white.  Afterward I read that churches were often white-washed at the time, so thought it turned out well.  Went with gray accents-just looked to see what pieces I had and how I could add them-kind of turned into flying buttresses.  That combined with the windows really broke up the white. The bell tower was really the start of it and I built out from there with what roof pieces I had.  I think it turned out pretty good.  I like how it is almost timeless and can be placed in not only the castle layout like I plan to use it, but I can also put it in with port, or town themes.  The only real difference is this one doesn't have pews, because there normally wasn't anything but a bench around the outside walls, and maybe a few seats in the front for nobility.

Finally, here's a video of it:


  1. This gave me inspiration for my fantasy village church. Thanks a lot!


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