Medieval Weaving Shop in Lego Castle

I wanted another building for my castle town, and my Majisto's Magical Workshop (Lego kit 6048)  that I'd modified a bit to be a hermitage while cool didn't really fit in.  I already had a blacksmith and church planned/built.  I got an idea from a photo online of how to make a spinning wheel so a fabric shop seemed like a cool idea-my family enjoys sewing.  I figured out how to make a loom, took apart most of the workshop-leaving most of the chimney, figured out how big of a building I needed to hold the loom and wheel.  The color choices were based on what pieces I had (please ignore the red support beam on the white roof) and the fact that the only door I had that would work was yellow, so red seemed like it would work well.  The black is trying to give the idea of a half timbered/wattle and daub look inspired by old Lego Idea books

Also, here's a video showing it:
